My First Web Dev Project.

Microsoft Website Clone.

My First Web Dev Project.

It's my first blog so let's go! Credit goes to Deni Tech

Hey! I am Aditya and 18 years old I am learning Web Development. I decided to let other people be part of my journey don't forget to Share your advice!

Why did I decide to make this website?

So long way short I learned HTML, CSS and framework tailwind CSS. I was learning javascript when I saw the Microsoft website and then I just went to YouTube and some docs to help me with some CSS properties. And worked on my beginner-friendly project.

My Learning objectives

As a beginner, I just wanted to get as much experience as I could by learning from others and making projects so in these projects.I wrote around 300+ lines of code it's not the best code you ever see but remember I am still learnings and my only mission is to get 1% better every day. So My learnings -

Get more familiar with tailwind CSS and its use cases. Learn how to deploy projects on Git Hub and learn version control systems like git and git commands. Thats it!

Building the Clone: Challenges and Successes

Building this clone was my personal choice At the start I thought it was going to be easy I had to replicate this website. Wait wait! But when I started making it reality hit me very hard. So now talk about my challenges-


  • How to set Tailwind CSS? It was not easy I found a YouTube video to help me out and now Tailwind CSS is live and running for me If you want help I will attach it below (Tip - You can add PlayCDN as well you can easily find it on Tailwind CSS's official website All instructions are given there).

  • Setup Tailwind CSS

  • There were many classes I was not familiar with of Tailwind CSS but Tailwind is a life saver you don't have to remember as such you will get everything on Tailwind CSS's official website EASY!

  • Wait a second Now you know classes but how will you apply them? Now refer to any video lecture that suits you best I learned it from Codewithharry he is a Hindi speaker Sorry! but you can refer to another there are many.

  • Now Tailwind is sorted But I just struggled many times by using it.

  • I don't know for which screen should I make my website first like

    (sm - small screens /md - medium screen / lg - large screen) I prefer making it first for smartphones (SM).

  • That's it!


  • Everyone in this modern world just wants to hear about good things right? Who wants to hear how many times I failed, But during this process of making this project I loved every time I failed because I am still learning So what's the problem in failing after

  • I learned how should i not make a website I never failed though I learned I loved the process of doing it I think that is what keeps me going.

  • For me - process >>> result

  • When I pushed my code on Git Hub at that time it was like NowIi can learn from anywhere in any scenario and I already knew it's just the first and there will be many more much bigger than this and better as well.

  • I learned git commands and version control systems and pushed

    My code is on GitHub.

  • You can check it out -

  • My Github - Adityaakr and

  • My X Account - quant08adi

Key Lessons

I have to show up every day I don't know how but I have to for my inner-self (I am a David Goggins Fan) but let's keep that aside.

From this small project, I learned how not to give up and just TRY TRY TRY to refer to documentation, YouTube, and Coursera mentor, You will find your answer.

Future Goals

  1. To build good real-world full-stack projects.

  2. My major is in data science and programming (First Year IIT MADRAS)

  3. My short-term goal is to crack Google Summer of Code 2024.

    If you have any experience regarding gsoc do connect with me it will be really helpful. On X .